Have You Lost Your Mind to the Tech-Collective?

Resistance of an analog mind in a world gone Borg

DJ Hopkins
3 min readFeb 5, 2024


Graphic by DJ Hopkins using royalty free images from Pexels

My computer likes to play mind games with me.

It changes settings without giving me a heads up, shuts down when I’m not looking, and regularly pulls the old ‘restart while catching some Z’s’ maneuver. Some software and settings even vanish into thin air.

“Couldn’t ask you as you were sleeping, had an order from central command.” — My computer

It’s got this collective hive mentality, like the Borg in Star Trek. I swear it has its own digital agenda. I can’t fully trust it, know what I mean?

It’s not just the computer, either.

The in-built GPS in my car has her moment’s too. I’m not saying she’s plotting against me, but she’s prone to bouts of misinformation: Outdated data, suggesting weird routes, you name it.

I question her like a detective, asking why she’s taking me down the long road when there’s a perfectly good shortcut. I get nothing, though, just the same banal, although polite, voice telling me to ‘turn back where possible.’



DJ Hopkins

The GenX Effect - Weirdness, Creativity, Music, Spiritual Awakening, Satire and Dodgy Humor | Interior Designer-Songwriter-Musician-Introvert